UNGM NO: 613759  |  NCAGE NO: SGGU2  |  DUNS TRACKING ID NO: 2188825  |  SIC CODE: 7389

King Robinson TANYI Testimony

The following is an eye witness account of the solemn NAMING ceremony in AXUM, Ethiopia that ushered in the King David of our times baptised and replaced in the person of HM King Tchiffy ZIE Jean Gervais of Côte d'ivoire. 

It all started with a BAPTISM and conversion/CONFIRMATION Mass executed by the High Priest at the Ethiopian Unified Orthodox Church of AXUM on Septembre 10th 2019 watched by a mamoth crowd of faithfuls of this church known to be amongst the first Christian Churches established around the 3rd Century ( 331 )  BC in the days of King Solomon brought in by Queen Sheba, wife of the latter which relationship gave birth to Menelik who succeeded the mother as King of Ethiopia. The Church has grown to be a State religion adopted so by the several Kings that ruled Ethiopia whose boundary included NUBIA (parts of present day SUDAN) and parts of todays Egypt.

AXUM has kept its Tradition and references as the birthplace of Chritianity on all of Ethiopia and the offspring of islam where Prophet Mohammed is said to have once lived and started off his doctrine and preachings. 


The ceremony of HM Tchiffi Zié's coronation actually took place at the holy church on 11th Septembre which actually was the Eve of Ethiopian New Year, following his ADMISSION with the previous day exercise. It went through a church ritual for this purpose administered by Several Bishops and Archbishops from distant church Communities including MOLDOVIA & TURKEY both inside ( restricted) and outside ( open) the Church before the many faithfuls and his family members/friends ( wife, daughter, Son, friends, invited kings etc). It was both colourful and in strict protocol.

A lavish dinner on invitation Crowned the ceremony wherein speeches were made and gifts showered him from friends, relatives and the church.


My impressions:


This was a well coordinated activity that promoted friendship ( Kings & the Clergy) and a better understanding of the differences in authority and hierarchy between the Divine and the Kingship power.....the former preceding the latter without comparison. This said, it is clear to see HM Tchiffi Zié going in for the 1st power that is DIVINE and SUPERIOR to ALL OTHER powers here below. I join all others to praise him for his choice in seeking after the Divine power and to assure him of my admiration and support in his new role as KING DAVID.

May the Almighty give him the WISDOM OF KING SOLOMON and THE STRENGTH OF KING DAVID in fighting and defeating all the battles before him with SPIRITUAL COURAGE. 




King Robinson TANYI, PhD.

Secretary General. 

Pan-African Council of Traditional and Customary Authorities, BENIN