UNGM NO: 613759  |  NCAGE NO: SGGU2  |  DUNS TRACKING ID NO: 2188825  |  SIC CODE: 7389

9. International Engagement and Story Telling Cluster

African culture is built upon the foundation of story-telling. For centuries the African sory has been distorted and told through the lens of non-African’s. It is time for the correct narrative to be told by Africans and for the international world to hear and embrace this narrative. This cluster will carry the mandate of researching history through the lens of African’s and use that to rewrite the history of Africa, its tribes and people and to tell that story to the world. It will also be charged to determine the current and future narrative of Africa and use this ‘truth’ to drive international engagements at both governmental and business levels. The functions of media, tourism, foreign affairs will be positioned within this cluster. A non-negotiable part of this mandate will be to establish the position and importance of African royalty in the global arena with regards to the governmental relational protocols.